Calculate the total friction loss in a pipeline for different pipe material and diameters.
Enter the flow rate, internal pipe diameter, and the type of pipe from the list supplied.
Friction loss does not include any losses for fittings
Calculate the fluid velocity through a pipeline. Enter the flow rate, and the internal diameter of the pipeline.
Click on the drop down list to change the variable being calculated
Calculate the velocity head for a certain flow rate and pipe size. Enter the flow rate and the internal diameter of the pipeline
Calculate the head drop through an orifice of known diameter. The calculation applies to orifices where the orifice diameter is less than 0.3 of the pipe size. Enter the factor from the table below, depending on the type of orifice
Click on the drop down list to calculate the size of orific e required to achieve a set head drop
Calculate the volume of liquid contained in a pipeline of specific diameter and length
Enter the water level in both tanks, the internal pipe diameter and pipe material to calculate the max flow rate that can be achieved in a gravity flow system.
Input a positive value for static head if the first tank or reservoir is above the second tank or discharge container
You can also input the required flow rate and calculate the minimum size pipe diameter to use
Calculate the minimum length of an eccentric reducer, based on the difference in pipe diameter of the two pipes